We support each other in this crazy passion we share. When you volunteer, you make our community better!
Volunteering to be a part of the board or at events is a great way to get involved in our dressage community. With your help, we can bring up the level of dressage in the area by offering more programming to meet the needs of more members. Our activities are fun and you can challenge yourself to do something new. You can help us rethink how an activity could be better and do it! For example, how many of us have ever put on a horse show? You could!
To encourage you to step up, we ask that you give us a minimum of 4 hours of your time towards your horse show awards.
Please check out the opportunities below, some are short-term, and others are longer. Just think of all we can do when we do it together!
Current Volunteer Opportunities:
Sponsorship Chair – We’d love some help finding sponsorship, building relationships with them and thinking through how we can better serve them. Sponsorship allows us to make our events a little less expensive, offer better awards and rider welcome gifts at our shows and clinics.
Association Historian/Photographer – While our photographer, Katy Hoefling is busy taking great photos of our riders in the ring, there are plenty of other things going on at our events that we’d love to record those as well.
Special Project Leader – We’d love help with first researching and then possibly changing our nonprofit status from a 501c4 to a 501c3. Having a 501c3 status would give us discounts on a variety of services including our facilities rental at Plantation Equestrian Center and website hosting. It would also allow us to attract larger sponsorship which we may then be able to turn into grants to our members. While we all do pretty much the same thing, there are multiple 501c statuses among the other USDF GMOs, and we need to know if a status change would work for us.
Clinic Hospitality Organizer – At the clinics, we usually make coffee and have a snack available to our participants and auditors. We also set up a lunch. We need help with that!
Clinic Reception Desk – We need someone to welcome our participants and auditors, answer questions about SFDA, help with memberships if someone wants to renew or join, and transfer the microphone and CeeCoach between riders.
Write a newsletter article – Have you got 300 words to share with your fellow members about something that’s interesting, that you’ve learned, seen or thought about this year? Perhaps it’s a book, podcast, lecture, video or clinic that you’ve participated in. Share it! You’ll help everyone and earn your hours towards your awards program entry!
Spring Horse Show Chair – It’s never too soon to get planning for our next horse show. Make this one your own!
If you are interested in any of the volunteer opportunities below, or see a need you could fill that we haven’t addressed yet, please contact us at:
Thank you for your enthusiasm!!
Volunteer Hours Reporting Form
Please report the task, event and the hours you spent volunteering on this form. Please use one form per event as it’s easier to organize the total the hours for multiple tasks for one event at time.
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