Your South Florida Dressage Association Membership Benefits Include . .

  • South Florida Dressage Association Meetings and Newsletters
  • Educational Events and Clinics
  • Awards Programs
  • Networking and Volunteer Opportunities
  • Schooling Horse Shows with Preparation for Recognized Shows
  • Community engagement through our WhatsApp and Facebook Groups

United States Dressage Federation
USDF GMO Membership Benefits Include . . .

  • Subscription to USDF Connection, USDF’s monthly magazine
  • Yearbook issue of USDF Connection
  • USDF Group Member Card and eligibility to compete at USDF recognized shows
  • Eligibility to participate in Rider Award programs
  • Eligibility to earn USDF University Credits
  • Member discount rates for USDF events (view here)
  • For an extended list of  USDF Group Member Benefits PDF
  • Check the USDF Membership Information page to determine what you will need for competitions and or awards (view here)
  • Note that if you intend to participate in USDF End of the Year horse show awards programs like Regionals, you will need to add a separate PARTICIPATING MEMBERSHIP (PM) through USDF.


  • Membership – December 1st – November 30th
  • South Florida Dressage Association is a USDF Group Member Organization (GMO).  Therefore, SFDA members are also enrolled as USDF Group Members.
  • Whenever you join SFDA, your SFDA benefits (voting, newsletter, emails, etc) will begin immediately. However, if you join after August 30th, unless instructed otherwise, we will hold your USDF membership so that we can submit it for the next year’s membership roster to the USDF in December. This prevents you from having to “join twice” and pay a late fee to the USDF for the current membership year, as USDF memberships cannot be prorated. Therefore, your USDF membership perks may not be available immediately.
  • To enjoy a full year of SFDA and USDF benefits and avoid a lapse in your USDF membership benefits,  your membership must be established by December 1st.

Membership tiers

  • For 18 yrs. & over as of December 1 of the current year.
  •  Includes an individual USDF Group Membership, & SFDA membership privileges.
  • Must be under 18 years of age as of December 1 of the current year.
  • Includes an individual USDF Group Membership, & SFDA membership privileges.

Members living at the same address may include additional family or supporting members with their primary membership. This membership includes all SFDA membership privileges and all USDF membership privileges EXCEPT FOR an additional USDF magazine and yearbook.

  • An individual USDF Group Membership with SFDA membership privileges
  • 2 Facebook shout outs per year
  • A business card-sized ad on our Business and Sponsors page, and or a listing on our Instructor or Barns page on the SFDA website
  • A business card-sized ad in the newsletter and email blasts


 I acknowledge that I have been given the opportunity to read the Association’s bylaws and agree to be bound by the provisions therein. (Bylaws are available on our website: or through requesting it from any Board member.) As a member of SFDA, I may choose to volunteer for Association responsibilities or activities. I expressly agree that my services are being provided as a volunteer and that I am not an employee of the South Florida Dressage Association. I am neither entitled to nor expect any present or future salary, wages, or other benefits for these volunteer services. I freely and voluntarily seek to participate in any or all programs, events and/or activities sanctioned, produced, or sponsored by the SFDA that include educational and training programs, youth programs, clinics, and/or competitions at any time and at any location. These activities, programs, and events will hereafter be referred to as “the Activities,” and the SFDA, together with its sponsors, managers, property owners, officials, organizers and affiliates and their respective directors, officers, members, employees, agents, volunteers, representatives, and designated officials will collectively be referred to as “Event Sponsor”.In consideration of SFDA allowing me to participate in the Activities, now and in the future, I agree to the following:1. Acknowledgement of Inherent Risks of Equine Activities/Assumption of Risks. Member acknowledges that there are numerous inherent risks of equine activities, whether preparing for, entering, participating in, or leaving the Event. The inherent risks include those dangers and conditions which are an integral part of equine activities, including, but not limited to: (a) the propensity of an equine or other animal to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm, or death to persons on or around them; (b) the unpredictability of the equine’s reaction to such things as sounds, sudden movements and unfamiliar objects, persons or other animals; (c) certain hazards such as surface or subsurface conditions; (d) collisions with other animals or objects; (3) the potential of member or other participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the member or others, such as failing to maintain control over the equine or not acting within his or her ability; (f) the breakage or failure of tack or other equipment; and (g) the potential that an equine or animal may cause injury or harm to the rider or other persons or animals in the vicinity. Member is not relying on Event Sponsor to list within this document all possible inherent risks or all risks of participating in any of the Activities at any location.

2. Waiver and Release of Liability
With full knowledge and appreciation of these and other inherent risks associated with equine activities and the Activities, member freely and voluntarily assumes the risks of the equine activities involved in any aspect of them. In this connection, member also voluntarily agrees to waive any and all rights to sue and hereby releases the Event Sponsor from all liability, loss, claims, or actions for injury, death, expenses, or damage to person or property resulting from the inherent risks of the Event, or resulting from any action or inaction by the Event Sponsor. This waiver and release is effective even if the injury, death or damage to person or property is caused by, or contributed to by, actions or failure to act of the Event Sponsor and which actions or inactions constitute ordinary negligence or a violation of any applicable law pertaining to equine activity liabilities. Neither Member nor Member’s representatives shall make any claim against, maintain an action against, or recover from the Event Sponsor or its sponsors, directors, officers, members, employees, agents, volunteers, representatives, designated officials, or others acting on their behalf for injury loss, damage or death of the Member, to the Member’s horse, or to the Member’s personal property (regardless of ordinary negligence by the Event Sponsor or regardless of an alleged violation of an applicable equine activity liability law.) Notice: A person who is engaged for compensation in the rental of equines or equine equipment or tack or in the instruction of a person in the riding or driving of an equine or in being a passenger upon an equine is not liable for the injury or death of a person involved in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, as defined in sections 773. 01-773.06 of the FLORIDA Statutes.