Most recent meeting notes
Please take a look at what we’ve been talking about
Location: Google Hangouts
Date: Mar15, 2020
Time: 7.00PM
Attendees: Holly Zickler, Sue Reamer, Daphne Plug
Agenda items:
What to do about the April 26 horseshow due to Corona virus outbreak
- We’ll probably have to cancel but will wait to see what PEC says for April (for March, all activity has been cancelled.
- Look into the possibility to host an online horse show or ride a test. Continue to discuss this option on Thursday March 19th.
How do we keep our members connected over the next several months
General meeting on Facebook live for Sunday March 22
Tonya Johnston: sports psychologist Webinar
- DP-Contact Tonya-is she interested? Costs, timing, etc
- Arlene White as a facebook live
Online horseshow
- HZ/DP/SR – Research existing online shows-pricing and method
A user friendly way to explain to membership with cell phone
- HZ-Ask Amy if she will review videos-Comments
- Determine time frame
- Get information out to community (Including Delray)
- Prizes-High Point Pro, AA and Junior (<18?)
- Sponsorship ribbons, prizes
- How to support our local tack shops and barns.
HZ/SR/DP Research on how to set up a FB live event and how to invite members
SR will check on Laurie Robinson’s check to see if she paid for membership and clinic
Board and committee structure
- What kind of committees should we set up?
- Kellie Kaspriske could be a possibility for secretary. We will invite her for the next couple of closed meetings to see if she is a good fit.
Rethinking our proposed volunteer and horse show programs
Table the volunteer voucher program for this year, since we will probably not have a horseshow, our big money maker
Horse show program, we need to notify our members of its existence and
Get sponsorship to pay for prizes, maybe thank them on Facebook live? Add their logo on our website and on our FB page
Non profit status
HZ will schedule a meeting with Nicole Miller about moving us to a 501c3
SR and DP will be present
Read the Little Book of Boards or something else
Ideas for future summer activities:
Group ride at Poinciana Farm, with bbq after, maybe a demo by top level rider
Adult camp at Arlene White
Barn hopping for group lessons with local trainers
Group pilates/yoga for dressage riders, online or in a park, on a regular basis. Sue will research online for pilates instructors/studios in SWR
Alison Brock clinic by the end of May/June? DP sent her an e-mail.
HZ going to send Barbara Getz’s stuff to Ellen Greenfield for the barn book
Meetings: We will have a closed board meeting every first Sunday of the month.
We will have open board meetings, every other first Sunday of the month, in SWR from 3-5pm or through FB live
Taxes: SR will have a meeting with her accountant on March 2, to see if we can do our taxes ourselves instead of paying $175.
Bank: Bank needs proof of board. SR will contact bank.
Delray Equestrian Center: Daphne will contact Kim King and barn management. See possibilities to bring our communities together. Maybe we can hold our fall show there instead of Plantation?