These are the events that we’re planning this year so far. More activities may be added:
- March 11: SFDA goes to Challenge of the Americas
- April 24: SFDA Spring Horse Show and Tack Sale
- May 14: Rider Position Clinic with Lena Wedenmark
- June 4/5: Desensitization Clinic with Rachel Shearing
- July: USDF Virtual Book Club reading Andrea Waldo’s Brain Training For Riders
- August: Book Club continued
- October 2: Lehua Custer Clinic at Buttonwood
- October 30: SFDA Fall Horse Show & Ride a Test at Plantation Equestrian Center with Heidi Hauri-Gill as our judge
- November TBD: Board Election
- December 10 & 11: David Collins Clinic at Buttonwood
- December TBD: End of the Year Awards Party & Quadrille Christmas Ride
Please download a flyer to tack up in your workspace, post at the barn and share with friends.
Join us!