Review of Spring 2022 Horse Show at Plantation Equestrian Center

April 24, 2022

Our Show and Tack Sale are in the books

A tired mount from DM Show Jumping and Dressage

So many great things to share about our Spring 2022 horse show!

DM Show Jumping and Dressage brought a contingent of jumper riders out to practice their flatwork in our dressage tests. We hope the lessons they learned with us translate into more success in the show ring.

We also held our first ever tack sale. While it was small, it was good start and gave us some ideas on how to help our members clean out and redistribute items from their tack boxes.

A couple of eventing riders took us up on our invitation to ride their tests with us as well. We were so happy to have them and hope to be able to offer a combined test at our Fall show.

Hopefully, we’ll add a few western riders too. We try our hardest to accommodate everyone since we work on creating a learning environment. At our shows, while we may have judges at various levels, we welcome any test an “L” grad can judge that can be ridden in a 20m x 60m arena or any test the participant and the judge can agree on before the show.

“S” Judge, Lisa El-Ramey
Lisa El-Ramey giving the lunch time talk

We allotted a few extra minutes for each test so our “S” judge, Lisa El-Ramey could speak with each rider. She was thoughtful and generous with her time and encouraging in her comments for each rider as they finished their tests to help them move forward with their riding goals. She also gave us a lunch time talk, where we could ask her anything. She shared with us the importance of balance and finding that varies a bit for each rider as it is based on their body proportions.

Melissa Sandness brought her adorable pony Holly to help hand out ribbons to our competitors. We all enjoyed having her there and hope she can make it to the next one.

Lorena Kaelber of LK Equestrian brought a lovely junior rider to her first ever horse show. She did very well and we awarded her the pink polos as they were the perfect prize for her! We hope she brings her friends to the next show.

The competition photos from the event can be purchased through our wonderful photographer, Katy Hoefling on her website:

This year both of our SFDA horse shows count as 2 shows towards our end of the year awards program. This means that your points can now qualify you in just this one show!

Of course you will have to fulfill the rest of the requirements too, but this is the big one. We’ll also add your scores directly for you since we’ve already got them. Check out our awards program here.

We also registered both of our shows with the USDF Schooling Show Program and as a participant in this program, you can compete for awards against other USDF Region 3 members in Alabama; Florida; Georgia; South Carolina; Tennessee. For this one, you will have to submit your scores to USDF yourself. To learn more about the USDF program.

Thank you to all of our volunteers who made this show a success!

Not everyone who helped out was visible during the show, but your efforts were greatly appreciated!!

Thanks you Lindy Brounley for getting us started and donating prizes for our Level Champions!

Thank you Travis and Jennet Cook Linn for your help in power washing, loading and unloading the arena!

Thank you Raija Itzchaki for gate keeping and pinch hitting the day of the show!!

Thank you Melissa Sandness for your help and bringing the best ribbon pony ever!!

Thank you Bernadett Oli for organizing tests for the scribe!!

Thank you Vincent Serrano for helping to take down the arena!!

Thank you Laurie Tuchman for running our first ever tack sale!!

Thank you Ivette Vallejo for making the scoring spreadsheets and spending your day in the show office scoring all 28 tests and checking them with Verena Schreiber. You elevated our level of accuracy and speed on returning the tests to our competitors to make their day better!! You are the Wizard!!

Thank you to Lorena Kaelber and your girls, to Melissa Sandness, and Sarah Dayboll for setting up the arena!!

Thank you Caitlin Flynn and Samantha Torcise for helping ship other members to and from the show so they could also participate!!

Thank you Monah Garret for being our runner!! You always do a beautiful job!!

Thank you Patti Green for being our scribe!! You too, always do a beautiful job!!

Thank you Kellie Kaspriske for announcing at the show and bringing the friendliness and fun that we are all about in SFDA!!

Thank you Sarah Dayboll for pitching in wherever needed!! Whether it be setting up or taking down the arena, organizing tests for the judge, thinking through some issues concerning the show, gate keeping, recording the show in photos and stories for the next newsletter and helping pack up the office when the show was over. Thank you!!

Thank you everyone!!!

As you can see, it takes a community to put on a show. Please let us know if we forgot anyone.

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** Non-Member Fee will be waived for members of Parkland Horseman’s Association,
and Southwest Florida Dressage Association
*** Non-SFDA members are welcome and warmly invited to participate in the horse show but are not eligible for other SFDA member benefits. Should you like to join, membership forms will be available at the show and your membership will be immediately active.

Entries must be postmarked or received by closing date and must include all show fees and copy of negative Coggins.

Late entries with late fee accepted at management’s discretion.
Refunds after Closing Date will be at management’s discretion. No credits to future shows.

Could we also add (it’s not in the trifold) that we follow USDF? I am too tired tonight, but could we say something like: SFDA follows the USDF rules and guidelines concerning regional schooling horse shows.