SFDA Events

We are very excited to announce that the covered arena at Buttonwood is (finally) complete that we now have several confirmed events to announce!

Saturday, January 20, 2018
3:00-4:00 SFDA General Membership Meeting
4:00-7:00 SFDA 2018 Clinic Series Kick-Off & Arena Grand Opening Celebration!
Buttonwood Farm: 5731 SW 130th Ave. Southwest Ranches, FL 33330

Sunday, January 21, 2018
Bill McMullin Clinic USEF “R” Dressage Judge and USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medalist.Bill McMullin Clinic Jan 21, 2018 (2)

Sunday, February 11, 2018
Bill McMullin Clinic USEF “R” Dressage Judge and USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medalist.
Buttonwood Farm: 5731 SW 130th Ave. Southwest Ranches, FL 33330

SFDA Spring Schooling Show April 28 & 29
Judge: Heather Stalker USEF “r” Dressage Judge
Plantation Equestrian Center (PEC) 1451 NW 118 Ave. Plantation, FL 33323